2Million m2 Gypsum Line Board

Longitudinal/transverse fracture strength
The electricity of paper gypsum board typically comes from the paper surface, which has a fiber distribution direction, so the transverse and longitudinal fracture energy of paper gypsum board is different. The longitudinal/transverse fracture load of gypsum board need to meet the necessities of the widespread GB/T9775-2008. You can view the checking out record furnished via the manufacturer.

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Product Details

Gypsum that has been overwhelmed and heated to solid off 75% of its water content material cloth is stated as plaster of Paris. When water is delivered to this great white powder, the ensuing material is barring situation molded into any liked shape. Upon drying, the reconstituted gypsum regains its rock-like traits even as retaining the appreciated shape. Besides its use in making gypsum board, this material is used to make sculptures, pottery, dishes, lavatory fixtures, and casts for broken bones.Two types of paper are used in the manufacturing of most drywall, and every sorts are made from recycled newspaper. The ivory manila face paper, when ideal primed, successfully accepts most paints and exclusive varieties of wall ending products.

2Million m2 Gypsum Line Board

Specialized kinds of gypsum board can also be made with one of a type varieties of paper; for instance, some papers are made to be moisture resistant to a wide variety of degrees, while any different form of extraordinarily absorbent paper is designed to take shipping of a skinny coat of plaster veneer after installation.
The Manufacturing Process
Fabrication of drywall consists of placing the gypsum core material between two layers of paper, drying the product, and ending it into panels of famous size.

2Million m2 Gypsum Line Board

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