Gypsum Board Machine Factory

Paper Faced Gypsum Board Machinery

Produce Gypsum Board

Paper Faced Gypsum Board Production Line
China's traditional building materials in the design, construction, decoration links have formed a set of personnel, construction, technology, specifications, supporting, materials, machinery and other aspects of mature practice, paper gypsum board to be applied to the project, which link there are obstacles, it is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate a large number of soil applications of gypsum board in all aspects of material application, and plan some associated projects and projects, so that gypsum board can be successfully applied to thousands of households in housing projects.
After 20 years of development, China's per capita occupancy of 93 years is 0.02m2/ person year, this figure is only 1/500 of the United States, 1/200 of Japan, 1/125 of European countries, and the level of developed countries is very large, enough to show that China's paper gypsum board market potential is huge.
According to the 1995 China Statistical Yearbook, the total completed urban area (excluding rural areas, collectives and individuals) in 1994 was 395.16 million square meters, and it is conservatively estimated that it will remain at 395 million square meters every year until 2000. The circular No. 35 of the State Bureau of Two Ministries on wall reform proposed that "by the year 2000, we should strive to make new wall materials account for the proportion of wall materials used in new urban houses, from 5% in 1990 to 40%". It is estimated that according to the proportion of the application area of new wall materials and the proportion of paper gypsum board in the new wall materials, coupled with the renovation and decoration of old houses, it can be calculated that the national demand for paper gypsum board will reach 120 to 150 million m2 in the next five years to 2000.
Problems in the market link
The expansion and healthy development of the paper gypsum board market needs to solve the following problems:
The price of paper gypsum board products, the current unit budget price of 1m2 wall is generally about 50 yuan, and the current price gap is obvious and direct compared with other high energy consumption wall materials such as clay bricks, blocks, etc. Therefore, the promotion and application of the need to have policies to encourage and regulate, although the state has introduced some wall reform measures and notices, but the actual implementation of the local has not yet from the fundamental measures to promote the application of this good building materials for the benefit of the country and the people to open up the way. This is a certain gap with the practice of some developed countries to promote paper gypsum board at the beginning of a certain type of building and specify the use of paper gypsum board from the design.